Friday, March 5, 2010

Track and the good life =)

well life is pretty darn good for me right about now track started monday and im still doing pretty darn we did a mile time trial and im in shape enough to scrape a 5.06 so im fairly happy with myself. overall track has been pretty good its a nice destraction from it all i can actualy relax and chill now im geting better in my classes and understanding things a lot better i finaly got a b on a bio test hip hip hooray lol and that is w/out corrections and ive just been happy about life and on the day this week that i was feeling all crappy and everything i got out of class got to track and it was all "uphill" from there lol wow im being so punny but ya hill workouts that day and apparently i finaly fixed my form i think the words were beautiful and best ive seen you have yet so another plus since i have been working pretty dang hard on it.


Mara said...

Haha. I think Maebori's puns are rubbing off on you. (: I'm glad life is good right now. I hope it stays that way for a while [:

Eric said...

mmmeeee too