Sunday, October 14, 2012


life on my own.
its an adventure its a change and im loving it
its been a bit of a roller coaster to say the least im constantly moving like almost literally i walk everywhere and i go places frequently and yeah its life. when you live somewhere that you could walk from one side to the other in like an hour tops it makes it perfectly ok not to have a car i mean staying here for more than a semester and i think i would go nuts having to depend on other people for vehicles when i need one but as it is now its good it keeps me in better shape and makes things more interesting

things actually feel normal and comfortable it feels like ive been here alot longer than a month ive fallen so much into set patterns and ways of life that just feel right probably my favorite part of the day is when my last class gets over and i just go chill. theres a place called the gardens and some days after class i will just sit down and crank the music let it wash over me and push away the stuff that happened during my day just leaving me at peace,water flowing leaves rustling its nice. other days ill sit down and read for hours

friday that was a very necessary thing pretty much i was just having a horrible day and i my mind was being mean during math and yeah like i said all in all a crap day. but the really good thing was i still had my routine. no matter how bad my day had been i just sat down cranked the volume and sat talked to some people and got myself back on the tracks. it was really good though cuz i know that when ive been like i was before ive had the habit of just letting it take over and make me feel horrible for the longest time but to just sit back and detox from my day.twas good.

alot of my issues recently is just me loosing patience with people and being homesick and stuff just letting all the little things build up and then to have a math class like i just pushed me over.i need to get better about not letting the little things build. like today for example i got home life was being stressful so being the smart child i am i took my moms advice and went for a run.tossed on the shoes plugged in and went. it wasnt to train or anything just to get my heart pumping and feel the night air. in the end i went scenery hunting lol first i ran out to the middle of nowhere sat down and looked at the stars,i even saw a couple shooting stars before i left =) it was great. thennnnnnn as per mine sisters advice i went to the stadium and sat at the top and dang.i never would have guessed the view was that may not have trees or mountains but i do still appreciate the beauty surrounding me. im glad to have that ability. i think alot of it comes from my doing photography so much and stuff or maybe i just have it naturaly and thats why i love photo. no mater what im glad i have it. to see beauty where others do not, to look at a bolt and go "dang thats amazing" i mean it can put a smile on my face, a leaf a misplaced can a rock sitting in the middle of a road. while my favorite places in this world involve mountains and trees and oceans. the flat desert life it has a spot for me too.

kia kaha