Saturday, May 2, 2009


holy cow its been a long time since i wrote
well track season has been really good,and to explain the title of todays blog -
my goal of the season has been to hit under a five minute mile and last week i hit 5.04 cutting down my preiveious best of 5.14 to think the first day of practice the best i could do was a 6.00
and with my season coming to an end,i may or may not make my goal but i sure as heck am going to try,my coach pulled a couple of us aside yesterday and told us that he had the goal of five under fiver and that to reach that goal he needed 3 more guys to break it so i am going to try hardre than i ve ever tried before both at practice ot prepare and at my last meet of my freshman year on wednseday.

on to other topics im sooooooo glad this school year is coming to an end it beem good and all but it just felt a little off, im really looking forward to getting my family together again for Johns wedding especialy since i havent seen Jason and Tina for over a year

well im crossing my fingers for a 4.59 or better