Sunday, October 3, 2010

Awesome week

Well starting point is thursday the day after the double dual meet with KL and Auburn coach pulled Galen and i aside and he talked to us about how we needed to get our heads on straight for raceing and that we were going to do an alternate workout of going to mattson and running a pyramid workout at our racef pace all the laps the exact same time so that we would get more used to it and comfortable with it.
that night i wasup late writting a paper for school and then the next day i didnt have geography so i had lotsa time to get the stuff together to ask Jenni to homecoming and then with my second open hour i filled all the balloons which i have to admit looked pretty awesome filling my car up with them
Then psych i still need a solution to pay better attention he can be a little bit of a drag sometimes
then for the fun part when i went to the church building and covered Jenni's car with all the balloons i had split a note asking her between them all and it was cool and fun to set up
then practice after school and all that fun
jumping off mac's jeep and hurting myself
going to my first football game
tomahawk twilight invite i am finaly back i can really race again i took my spot and my time back and im pretty sure that i can get back on track for my plan so all is well
after my race logan and i went and ran the open and collected more people as we went ( GO TEAM PLATAPI!!!) it was awesome we had a blast doing the whole linked arms finish thing that you see so often
and to another note (im kinda bouncing off of everything)
we took 3rd at the meet so that was pretty dang cool and ya then general conferance and now
life is good =)

Friday, September 3, 2010


School has started , well kinda, one class a day till the 7th then seminary starts and then no more classes added on till the 20th. Life is good its nice getting to relax for now.
XC started last month and the team is really improving we should be able to do pretty well this year
i didnt really post all summer so now i will take teh time to mention the fact that i got my license, i went on a bunch of hikes with jason and ran and biked alot over the summer and then i went camping this last weekend, o and of course cross country camp back in july was awesome a ton of work but i had a blast and am glad that this year i kept training after it XD
all is well to say the least

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Summer is here

It is finaly here =)
school is over and i dont really miss it to terribly much , i mean there was some good stuff but now i can stop stressing about everything, i can finaly relax.
the downside to that is that right as school was ending i was starting to get sick and now that its over and im on break im just stuck here being miserable . well not as much anymore but still those first few days of summer were a bit of a downer cuz really who wants to jump into summer and not be able to do anything. ive just been chilling around the house bumming it out, first day i beat my bros copy of modern warfare, second i vegged out watching movies and third went to the books. more or less thats all ive been up to. went on a run with the morning group yesterday and had fun hurt like none other something wrong with my stomache, probably just being angry at me for making my body work before it felt better. im definately ready for utah, i need a little sun in life right now...even if it has to be scorching XD
The list
-some roadraces
-xc camp in utah
-study up on math so i can get into 101
-watch the meteor shower when it comes around
-study for SAT
-read alot! ive had to cut back on all my reading till midnight this year between my newfound dedication to schooling and my dedication to my sports
-go camping at some point
-get a job
-find time to actualy hang out with the friends that i didnt spend much time iwth for a long time
-more running but for fun,just messing around instread of serious traininig
-finaly just relax and chill

we shall see if i catualy get the chance to do any of it, i sure hope so first time ive actualy made a to do list of summer things like this, my friends must be a bad influence

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


i can run!!!!!!!!
i went out today before drivers ed for a run to experiment if i could do it without pain and shocker im finaly recovered from my injuries =)
today was cool im such a slacker in math we dont pay very much attention and its hilarious she keeps getting upset for some reason =)
and then there is the reoccuring deathtrap we like to call stage tech, gotta love it
thats been pretty tight and im going to miss it if i cant convince my counsolor to let me in even with green river
18 1/2 days till school is out and im geting a bit stressed i mean the workload isnt too bad but still a little much for my slacker brain, im not makeing the same mistake that i always to by going autopilot tho i need to actualy see this through and get this thing done with a bang as i cross the line

Saturday, May 22, 2010


so i didnt really talk about it on this cuz i was physicaly and mentaly taking a break from running but on my last meet against KM i was injured, pretty bad too, i either pulled or strained something in my lower back and it made me limp really bad and hurt like none other even walking. So after i survived through the race (and beat one of my teammates that was cheating btw) i pretty much backed off and chilled coach had said it would take about a week to recover and now 2 weeks later i went for a run and it still twinged i dont know how to help it recover that lats bit or if its just that the muscle is weak from not getting used.
those two weeks of no running were insanely hard for me cuz i had some crap that i needed to run off really bad and couldnt. Normaly i would have taken those 2 weeks off anyway but if i really needed it i could have ran still it was a bad feeling know ing that i COULDNT do it. school was a pain to cuz stopping running threw of my head and schedule and made me more tiered and also walking around all day on a messed up butt muscle is no fun whatsoever. Now i guess it will just be a wait and see. I i can still feel it by the middle of next week im thinking it will be time for doctor involvement its not that i cant handle it and its effecting life or running a ton but if i meesed it up bad and will just make it worse if i dont fix it i want to know.
Ap bio is officialy over and now just bioethics so thats a pro i think i may have done ok on the test but i dunno and its a nice change not having tests hanging over my head like they always did for that class.
the rest of life is going pretty well im still figureing out GRCC and running start but that shouldnt be too complicated.

Monday, April 19, 2010

high points touch bac on it all soon enough

i won a race-the 3200 or 2 mile for the nonrunners
got a 10.23 which was cool the next race was funny with a 4.59 first mile split and a 5.32 second split crappy but w/e
the mile i got down to 4.51 this last week in the fresh/soph invite the meet as a whole was pretty tight but coulda been better the 2 mile i shoulda won i was kinda slacking and pretty much "sitting" around practicaly a bounce i didnt relize how much energy the guy behind me had left till the end and it really bit me in the but i started my kick a little late around the 600m mark and wasnt up to speed till the start of lap 8 sped upo to a 79 but the guy still picked me off in the last usual HEY THERE MISS ME!? spot so that hurt the pride a bit , i still used up a ton of energy on that race so i didnt have the great kick but like earlier w/e
then the 4x400 beast of a race , to be honest even i didnt know i had that much footspeed in me i ripped it and got a 56 fastest in my group, it was a blast i cought the relay team back up with my speed but in the end the dang filthy sprinter ;) lol jk the're all right but he pulling a sprinter move pulled back up and out kicked me, pretty dang good for a humble distance kid if i do say so myself...and i do.....jk lol but it was a blast the endorphines were great the lack of pain was nice too

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


so my life is a little odd im kinda living for the next practice from day to day just fighing through and getting things done just to make it through
in a way that is ok but my life is just kinds blech at the moment classes are killer and im not meaning that as killer hard and some of my teachers are driving me nuts.
im kinda glad i DO have running just so that i have something to look forward to that will make the day better i mean my friends make my days bearable and give me something to lookforward to at class but im going insane with it all.
o btw thursday was a one second pr (4.53.40) and a how ever much pr in the 3200- 10.32

then saturday was a blast with the invite and geting to mess around iwth everybody and hang out and get some halfway decent sleep on the bus, i Pr'ed by .02 seconds at that one.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

16 and under 5

well altogether a pretty good week ,thursday i turned 16 so happy day
then yesterday i finaly hit my first goal of breaking a five minute mile (4.54)
then got into the 800 and won my heat with a 2.17 then dance that was pretty fun that night

Friday, March 5, 2010

Track and the good life =)

well life is pretty darn good for me right about now track started monday and im still doing pretty darn we did a mile time trial and im in shape enough to scrape a 5.06 so im fairly happy with myself. overall track has been pretty good its a nice destraction from it all i can actualy relax and chill now im geting better in my classes and understanding things a lot better i finaly got a b on a bio test hip hip hooray lol and that is w/out corrections and ive just been happy about life and on the day this week that i was feeling all crappy and everything i got out of class got to track and it was all "uphill" from there lol wow im being so punny but ya hill workouts that day and apparently i finaly fixed my form i think the words were beautiful and best ive seen you have yet so another plus since i have been working pretty dang hard on it.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

12 for track 22 for sixteen

well i decided that i should post a little something since i havnt in a bit , i cant remember what exactly i posted last so i might leave stuff out or go over stuff again.
so something a friend said got me thinking - like alot, i was told to step up and do my part in every aspsct of my life running school church all of it, so i did a re-evaluation of my life as i see it
and just looking at things ya im doing better but really my heart hasnt been in alot of what ive been doing for a while so im going back into life fighting , i had gotten to a point where i wasnt reading my scriptures as much as i should be so i fixed that, i hadnt been running very seriously so i wrote out a plan for myself and im following through with it so that i can kick some major but this coming season. and with school i already kinda knew i wasnt on the total right track so i had already been veering back into the right and doing better now im pushing myself even harder.
and then with my other aspects of life ive been driving some even if my mom wont let me drive with her yet and that has been kinda fun
one of the big things that i want to change is the fact that i havent rlly been doing things with my friends for quite a while, shool and running have kinda taken over my life and consumed everything else.

lets hope im in good enough shape in 12 days

Thursday, February 4, 2010

When life gets strange in the head

so heres the update so far, i have my permit not hip hip hoora
All my finals are over and my relaxing classes are 2mrro
I have been running even if its just speed work mainly (i see anything less than 4 miles as speed work)
there is a slim possiblity that i will get to take the comapss test on sat but if i dont i sohuld be later next week
after that im free
this past like forever and a year i have been going a little stressed out crazy and now that all my tests and stuff are over i can relax a bit more and just do a little more of what i want i have to start getting up better so i can drive to seminary if im slow i wont get to be the one behind the wheel =(
soo yea thats about it the general stress is over and the new semester is coming, track is quickly aproaching and im struggling to get back into shape on time
im signing up for next years classes soon so more stress soon
im rambling again so im gunna cut this post off -

Monday, February 1, 2010


well school is now just about halfway over and i figured it all out well enough i made it
and friends have shifted postions and other various things but in the end its all going pretty good
im about to jump into stress headfirst but whatever you can only do so much, i am planning on tackling -The permit test
-the compass test
-keeping my regular life in order
-running my but off with whats going on
-figureing everything out
so im purely terrified to be frankly honest that i will screw up on any number of those things so if i seem a little off that is me trying to cope through the week if im seeming close to normal i probably ran recently so i guess i will update when all thats over

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Best of EFY 2010

highlight of the month(so far)
so yesterday i went to best of efy and had a blast the speakers were awesome and really helpful/entertaining and the dance was probably the best one ive been to since XC camp i actualy was able to be me again, (with some nudging along from a friend) and i just had fun which i honestly dont get to do as often as i would like but it was fun i bounced around talking to most everybody in my various groups, i had some good talks with people that i dont get to very often anymore and it was overall just a blast

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

i was told i hadnt posted since november

life keeps on moving
well Traci got married and got outa here off to idaho so now its finaly quiet
09 is officialy over wootwoot
And now on to this year 2010
School is back(BOOOOOOOO) and i got fairly frustrated with my english teacher about
how much stuff he has for us in such a short time blech and i wont get into my rant about APBIO
so onto much happier things i have started running again and magicaly im back into a better mindset and better mood =)
its taking a toll but i love it anyway
49 days till freedom =)