Tuesday, February 16, 2010

12 for track 22 for sixteen

well i decided that i should post a little something since i havnt in a bit , i cant remember what exactly i posted last so i might leave stuff out or go over stuff again.
so something a friend said got me thinking - like alot, i was told to step up and do my part in every aspsct of my life running school church all of it, so i did a re-evaluation of my life as i see it
and just looking at things ya im doing better but really my heart hasnt been in alot of what ive been doing for a while so im going back into life fighting , i had gotten to a point where i wasnt reading my scriptures as much as i should be so i fixed that, i hadnt been running very seriously so i wrote out a plan for myself and im following through with it so that i can kick some major but this coming season. and with school i already kinda knew i wasnt on the total right track so i had already been veering back into the right and doing better now im pushing myself even harder.
and then with my other aspects of life ive been driving some even if my mom wont let me drive with her yet and that has been kinda fun
one of the big things that i want to change is the fact that i havent rlly been doing things with my friends for quite a while, shool and running have kinda taken over my life and consumed everything else.

lets hope im in good enough shape in 12 days