Saturday, October 24, 2009


well i did it i both made it as individual to districts and i also helped to make it so my team made it as a team in pretty happy i even PD'ed with a time of 17:21 (2 second PR) and i made it through the whole season on varsity racing most of it as our #5 runner a big leap from last year(about #14 with a PR of 19:22) so im pretty much happy camper man
failing my first APBio test was a very humbling experience but the fact that the average test score was like a 55% softened that blow. Im actualy doing fairly well in my classes considering this is the first time ive ever challanged myself with harder classes i guess its just that now i have the long term perspective of things and am trying to whip my butt into gear. Photography is by far my favorite class this year actualy giving me something good to stay awake with in the mornings im still having my issues with my math class which i still find funny since im wide awake in seminaryjust half an hour before.
im not sure why but theater tech just isnt as enjoyable for mwe this year its kinda weird i mean i pretty much loved the class last year but now its just like blech ok next why are we doing this crap
o and back to running the highlight of the day, i am totaly likeing this years team its AWESOME all the sophmores are pretty tight nit so thats cool because of all the invites and just the link of our races ive gotten to know the varsity guys alot better and they are all pretty cool even though a few of them kept bouncing around their spots on the team. Im lookin forward to districts soooo much im glad that i get to go this year. i should post next saturday if we make it as a team to state. so until then