Saturday, April 30, 2011

Living life (4/30/11)

starting from the middle....
Running has kinda been blah for a while now, my body has been practialy telling me that it doenst like me and wants me to stop, every time i fix one problem another crops up.Been a depressing cylce but i dunno ive pretty much come to terms with it it and not let it bother me,there was a time when having all of this stuff happen with running would have torn me appart but now im pretty proud of where i am and how little its effecting my life.
One meet left havnt even come within reach of my 3200 time from last year but who knows, crazier things have happend

School consiting of BioAnthro,USHistory and Math. Anthro is both more and less than i went into it expecting,im really glad im taking it though, makes for a much more interesting alternative to normal biology,history is realy good but the teacher has a tendancy to go in circles and not be specific on any of the points he tries to get across, makes it a pain in the but for paying attention. Math has finaly gotten to the point where i am almost sad that i have a teacher that is impossible to understand,spent 2 and a half quarters being able to slack and half way listen and still get good grades in the class but now i actaly have to listen, like i said borderline depressing XD.

Life is going good,things on a whole are working out with school church running and everything combined.